Take a survey to help determine what types of housing and other zoning should be along the River Road Corridor.

Click on the blue rectangle to go to the River Road Corridor Study Page and Survey

The survey presents two draft land use concepts for the corridor and dives into future zoning and development types along River Road. A key question is how to plan for housing near River Road? Should we plan for denser apartments along the road and major side streets, or enable middle housing such as triplexes, cottage clusters, and rowhouses over a wider area within walking distance of the corridor? 

The River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan is charting a vision for the future of the two neighborhoods. A key goal of the Plan is to improve River Road, the major street that runs from Santa Clara, through River Road, and connects the neighborhoods to central Eugene. As one of the major transportation routes in the Eugene area, River Road is important to neighborhood residents, the Eugene-Springfield community, and regional travelers. In addition it was identified as a key corridor through Envision Eugene, the community’s long-range vision. For more information, please go to https://www.eugene-or.gov/4110/Corridor-Study

The diagrams below and many, many more are included in the survey. Please let the city know your feelings on the various concepts.

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2 Responses to Take a survey to help determine what types of housing and other zoning should be along the River Road Corridor.

  1. Tricia Campbell-graham says:

    Stop dumping cornerstone apartments in our area. They are cooking, dealing and using white drugs on our block and the blocks adjacent to us. They have no respect for homeowners or their property. Enough!

  2. JUDY HALL says:

    Haven’t we already completed these surveys? I thought we/RR Santa Clara decided already that we opted for cottage clusters, neighborhood & community places to gather. I tried to complete this current survey, but I cannot honestly understand the concepts and I have a college degree. We sat down in meetings in small group settings to help us understand the concepts at one of the last meetings. It seems like this is a repeat. I’m confused.

    Also, we are experiencing many traffic accidents along Santa Clara and River Road, especially since the Daylight Savings change. We are all experiencing more homeless individuals going through our garbage and entering our back yards. There is absolutely no way that adding the LTD transfer station going to help. There has to be a different vision for implementing group transportation. A more user friendly approach that is smaller, not larger.
    Sorry, I cannot fill out the survey in earnest. Too confused.

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