Upcoming Events in Santa Clara – Games, Concert and Movie

Bring your neighbors to any of our upcoming Santa Clara events.

  •  July 30th games in Wendover Park, 5-7 pm
  • Aug 4th concert in Awbrey Park 1-4:30
    • 4 Groups
    • 2 Food Trucks
  • Aug 16th games (5:30) and outdoor movie (8:00) at Irving Grange 
  • Aug 27 games in Ruby Park 5-7 pm

And don’t forget to drop by the Irving Grange to join in painting the mural. Painting opportunities are every Tuesday and Thursday from 4-6 pm. You’ll be given all the material and help you could ever need. It’s easy – it’s paint by number. The grange is located at the 1011 Irvington Drive.

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SCCO Meeting – Transportation Changes in Santa Clara

Here’s a sneak preview of the topics for our next SCCO meeting on Thursday, August 1. We’ll send out reminders next week.

First item: 30-minute presentation and 20-minute Q/A

Logan Telles, COE transportation planner, to present on the Division Avenue project –   looking at the addition of roundabouts, improved bike facilities, and enhanced pedestrian crossings. They’ve been working with a consulting firm to develop some high-level conceptual design options for the corridor and those will be presented for feedback.

Second item: 30-minute presentation and 15-minute Q/A

Reed Dunbar COE Senior transportation planner to present on:  West bank bike path extension and the River Road/Hunsaker intersection progress, plan, etc…

Posted in Beaver-Hunsaker & Multi Use Path, SCCO Meetings, Transportation | Leave a comment

Emergency Communications Training

The 4th Wednesday of every month, the Eugene EmComm Group does a Zoom session to train Eugene citizens with FRS radios (family walkie-talkies) how to communicate with the City of Eugene’s Emergency Operations Center.  

This month, the training will be at 7:15PM on July 24th.

To find out more, please join us.  The connection to the Zoom session can be found at  https://eugeneemcomm.org/


Gerry Brown, KK7GAB

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Join the Mural Painting Team – Tuesdays & Thursdays

The mural at the Irving Grange is well on its’ way to becoming a reality. Now is your chance to add your painting skills. It’s easy – in fact, it’s paint by number. Our friends at Mural Mice Universal, led by Maggie Dewar, will provide everything you need and give you a helping hand if so needed.

You never know who is going to show up. Today we had the 2016 Old Slug Queen, Eugenia, holding her paintbrush between her antennae. Eugenia was accompanied by 2024 Slug Queen contestant Sitara T Slugshine. Everyone present had the feeling that Sitara is certain to be future royalty.

Bring some friends and paint. Five years from now you can say, “I helped paint that”.
Painting is every Tuesday and Thursday from 4-6 at the Irving Grange at 1011 Irvington Drive.

Painting the Irving Grange Mural is easy, it’s paint by number.
It’s going to be a beautiful mural.
Maggie Dewar of Mural Mice with Mateo and Max
Information for the 2024 Slugqueen Competition
Left, 2016. Old Slug Queen Eugenia and 2024 contestant Sitara T Slugshine
Do you know the type of butterfly this is?
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Concert at Awbrey Park – Sunday, August 4

Santa Clara’s second annual Concert will be held at Awbrey Park.
Where: Awbrey Park is at the corner of River Road and Spring Creek Drive
When: Sunday, August 4
Time: 1:00 to 4:30 PM

There will be four musical acts, two food trucks and games for the kids. A new addition this year is a large shade tent with seating for about 100 people.

The concert is presented by the Santa Clara Community Organization and the Santa Clara Community Foundation and sponsored by the City of Eugene’s Art in the Park program.

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