Plastics collection April 19th at Reality Kitchen

Do you wish you could recycle a lot of the plastics your garbage service doesn’t take? Now is your chance. Start saving the items listed below. Then on April 19th, take them to Reality Kitchen between 9 am and noon. Reality Kitchen is located at 645 River Road.

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Santa Clara Food Drive for FOOD for Lane County starts today

The Santa Clara Community Organization is hosting our second Green Food Drive to benefit FOOD For Lane County. Please make your donation today to help us ensure our neighbors have access to nutritious food to live healthy and active lives. All donations made go directly to FOOD For Lane County.

For every dollar donated, FOOD For Lane County can access and distribute two meals.

Click here or on the image below and you will be directed to the webpage to make your donation. And Thank You!

A Green Food Drive provides food for the hungry with fewer carbon inputs than traditional can drives. Canned and preserved food requires lots of energy inputs- processing, trucking, packaging, etc. —and provides less nutritious ingredients than locally produced fresher foods.

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SCCO Board Elections! Candidates needed, Tonight, 7PM.

There are 5 board seats open! If you’re not currently a board member but are passionate about our community and want to make a real difference, please consider this rewarding opportunity! It’s a chance to contribute your skills and insights to a fantastic organization and help shape its future. Don’t miss out on this chance to get involved!

        Eligibility: Must live in or own property in Santa Clara and have attended at least one general meeting of the Santa Clara Community Organization in the last 12 months.

Online or Virtual:
February 6, 7:00 PM
3280 River Road (Messiah Lutheran Church)
Google Meet joining info:

SCCO Purpose and Membership:

The purpose of the Santa Clara Community Organization is to advocate on behalf of the people living in the area and to represent the community organization’s views to Lane County, the City of Eugene and other decision-making agencies on matters affecting the general welfare and development of the area and to serve the community by engaging in neighborhood planning, enhancing services and providing opportunities for education and social interaction.
—SCCO Bylaws, Article III

Posted in Elections, Events, General Interest, SCCO Meetings | Leave a comment

SCCO Meeting this Thursday, Feb 6 – Board Elections and how to make your backyard a Habitat Haven

February 6
7 PM
3280 River Road (Messiah Lutheran Church)

Also available via the internet:
Google Meet joining info:

Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 929-336-5709 PIN: ‪406 214 848#

Main Agenda: How to make your backyard a natural habitat.
Featuring: Barb Bryson, Board member of the Lane County Audubon Society and Director of Habitat Haven

Learn details about a new backyard certification program in the Eugene/Springfield area. The program is run by the Lane County Audubon Society and is supported by a grant from Upper Willamette Soil and Water District. Learn why Habitat Haven was started and how it benefits our local ecosystem. Barb will present a list of the requirements for a property to be enrolled in the program, explain the five elements of backyard habitat, and delineate the criteria for achieving the three different levels of certification that are offered. You will see photos of yards in our area that have been certified at various levels. Come learn how you can become involved in Habitat Haven as a participant or a volunteer.

And Board Elections
There are 5 seats to be voted on.

        Eligibility: Must live in or own property in Santa Clara and have attended at least one general meeting of the Santa Clara Community Organization in the last 12 months.

Board Elections
Posted in Elections, Environment-Recycling, Government, SCCO Meetings | Leave a comment

Correction – SCCO meeting is Thursday, January 2 – 7PM. Meet North Eugene Principal & also hear from the Director of the Navigation Center

Santa Clara Community Organization Monthly Meeting
Thursday, January 2
7 PM
3280 River Road (Messiah Lutheran Church)

Google Meet joining information:
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 601-658-0349‬ PIN: ‪944 537 557‬#

7-8 pm A conversation with Nain Munoz, the principal of North Eugene High School.  He will share his experiences with the school and the culture he is trying to create. We will explore how the community can help kids succeed, ways students want to plug into community events and efforts, and how together the neighbors, parents and school community can create a synergy that starts in the school and ripples out into the community and/or starts in the neighborhood and ripples into the school.  We can learn much from each other and improved communication can only lead to more success for us all.

North Eugene High School entrance
Entrance to North Eugene High School

8-9 pm A conversation with Keeley Crowson, Deputy programming director from Equitable Solutions, the contractor who provides the services at the Navigation Center on River Avenue.  She will update us on how the work at the Navigation Center is going, how the center is affecting the surrounding neighborhood and whether there are things we can do to help assure the success of this resource.

Posted in Affordable Housing, Houseless & Rest Stops, Land Use Planning, Social Justice, Urban Planning | Leave a comment