Help create your Santa Clara future on Oct 17

The City of Eugene and Lane County are embarking on a two year process to develop a River Road – Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan.  The Santa Clara Community Organization strongly encourages you to attend the kick off meeting.  The two year process will go by quickly and relies on community engagement to develop and implement the plan.  Good attendance at the first meeting will help us forge the direction of the plan for our future.

Neighborhood Plan Kick-Off

The River Road – Santa Clara neighborhood planning process will kick off with a community meeting at North Eugene High School on October 17th. Everyone who is interested is encouraged to attend.

When: October 17th 2017, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Where: North Eugene High School Cafeteria

Concert in the Park, Santa Clara, OregonTwo main ideas will be addressed at the first meeting.

  • What do you like about Santa Clara that you want to keep?
  • What do you want to see improved or added in the future?

Please plan on attending.  Here are some key areas to think about.

  • Land Use Planning: What activities, like housing, shops or parks, do we want where? How will the neighborhood feel and look?
  • Economic Development: How will good jobs and services be supported?
  • Parks and Natural Resources: What do we want to happen with outdoor spaces?  Do we want a community park, a dog park, more developed parks?
  • TranspoProposed Santa Clara LTD improvementsrtation: How will we get around?  It is expected that there will be much discussion about the Beaver-Hunsaker corridor

You can subscribe to a newsletter that follows the River Road – Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan development here.

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