Category Archives: Environment-Recycling

You’re Invited: Electric Car Guest Drive – Oct 7

Get behind the wheel of a variety of electric cars, including the Ford F-150, Tesla Model Y and other popular models at a free test drive event. From EWEB: The Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) invites Eugene residents to … Continue reading

Posted in Environment-Recycling, General Interest, Transportation | 2 Comments

July 12 public meeting on the JH Baxter Facility Cleanup and Investigation.

From Argorie Arberry-Baribeault of Beyond Toxics On Wednesday, July 12, EPA and DEQ will hold a hybrid public meeting on the J.H.Baxter Facility Cleanup and Investigation, where we will provide a presentation andhave space for clarifying questions and answers! During … Continue reading

Posted in Environment-Recycling, Public Safety | Leave a comment

Saturday, June 24th, Hileman-Heroes Work Party

Our work parties are held on the last Saturday of each month. Please come help when you can. Enjoy the park anytime, dawn to dusk. And thanks for keeping Hileman Landing County Park clean and safe! Hileman Park HeroesWork Party: … Continue reading

Posted in Environment-Recycling, Parks - Dog Parks, Parks and Natural Resources, Public Safety, Santa Clara Community Foundation, SCCF Hileman Stewardship | Leave a comment

Santa Clara Community Foundation: BottleDrop Give! Earth Week Bonus

Many of you have taken advantage of BottleDrop Give! to support the Foundation’s efforts in the neighborhood. We’ve gained hundreds of dollars since we registered last year. We like to encourage more participation, especially now, during the upcoming Earth Week Give bonus … Continue reading

Posted in Environment-Recycling, Events, General Interest, Santa Clara Community Foundation, Santa Clara Schoolhouse, SCCF Hileman Stewardship | Leave a comment

Hileman Park Heroes—Launch Day

The Santa Clara Community Foundation has officially adopted Hileman Landing County Park. Tim Foelker (SCCF board president) signed the work plan agreement with Lane County on Thursday, March 23rd, and Saturday, picked up tools for the inaugural Last-Saturday-of-the-Month regular work … Continue reading

Posted in Environment-Recycling, Events, Santa Clara Community Foundation, SCCF Hileman Stewardship | Leave a comment