A previous post about dog waste clean up at our new Santa Clara Community Park mentioned ‘pooper scoopers’. We want to clarify that the volunteers would not have to scoop poop. Volunteers are being asked to monitor a trash can and then take the poop bag home and put it in their trash. Here’s the post again:
From Michelle Parkins of the City’s Parks and Open Spaces Department
I am reaching to see if a member of the Santa Clara community may be interested in helping steward a trash can or dog poop can at Santa Clara Park? We as a City would like to put one out there, however currently it is not efficient for our operations staff to tend the can on a regular basis. We would provide the can (may be a small post hanging can) and the bags. The volunteer would monitor the can and empty it in their home garbage as needed. Please let me know if you or one of the neighbors may be interested in helping us keep the dog waste out of the water system and keeping the park clean.
Be well,
Michelle Parkins
Tree Stewardship & Natural Areas Volunteer Coordinator
541.510.4040 (cell)
City of Eugene Parks and Open Space
Here’s a link to some very interesting information about dog waste and waterways. https://www.eugene-or.gov/DocumentCenter/View/17001/Dog-Waste-and-Waterways

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