Santa Clara Community Organization Monthly Meeting
Thursday, January 2
7 PM
3280 River Road (Messiah Lutheran Church)
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7-8 pm A conversation with Nain Munoz, the principal of North Eugene High School. He will share his experiences with the school and the culture he is trying to create. We will explore how the community can help kids succeed, ways students want to plug into community events and efforts, and how together the neighbors, parents and school community can create a synergy that starts in the school and ripples out into the community and/or starts in the neighborhood and ripples into the school. We can learn much from each other and improved communication can only lead to more success for us all.

8-9 pm A conversation with Keeley Crowson, Deputy programming director from Equitable Solutions, the contractor who provides the services at the Navigation Center on River Avenue. She will update us on how the work at the Navigation Center is going, how the center is affecting the surrounding neighborhood and whether there are things we can do to help assure the success of this resource.
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