River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan: Help get the word out.

On Wednesday, July 13, the River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations held a joint meeting to hear an update from the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan project team about what’s been going on with the neighborhood planning process, where it is, and where it’s headed. The planning process is in the final stage, the Adoption Phase, which will include broader community outreach before asking the RRCO and SCCO Boards for a community recommendation on the Neighborhood Plan adoption package.

The recorded meeting is available here and includes an overview that touches on the outreach and project phases to date, what the Neighborhood Plan and Action Plan will do, and information on how you can help with outreach efforts.

We need your help to spread the word about the Neighborhood Plan! Sign up and staff will contact you with more information and to provide materials.

  • Hand out flyers at a community event!
  • Staff an info table!
  • Host a conversation with neighbors and friends using a meeting toolkit to help guide the discussion! 

As a reminder, a draft of the Neighborhood Plan is available on the project website and the Neighborhood Plan Overview provides a short 2-page summary about the Neighborhood Plan and Action Plan.

Have questions?

For more information, project updates, and important dates visit the RRSC Neighborhood Plan project website and the Engage Eugene project page

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