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From LTD:
Current Status: Construction
Santa Clara Transit Station has taken shape as we progress towards the end of summer. Throughout August, concrete curbs, gutters, and storm water planters were installed in the bus loop. Additional underground utilities were installed and the driveway that will allow buses to enter the station when heading northbound on River Road was poured. In September, concrete walls at the platform will be installed.

At the driver relief building, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC rough-in was completed and a weather barrier installed on the outside of the walls. This building will really start to look different as we head into September as the masons will be on-site installing the brick exterior.
EWEB was on-site in August to remove several power poles along Green Lane and relocate their electrical wires underground. In the last week of August, Delta began removing the asphalt pavement along Green Lane and preparing a new aggregate base. The heavy-lift of re-working Green Lane will continue thru mid-September, which is when new asphalt will be paved. As a reminder, a new sidewalk will be installed along the northern side of Green Lane with street lighting, thus drastically improving safety for pedestrians. Thank you for your patience as we work quickly and effectively to minimize traffic impacts along Green Lane.
At the intersection of Green Lane and River Road, two of the four traffic signal pole foundations were poured. The remaining two foundations to be poured on the west side of River Road will occur in September.
In August, the City of Eugene issued an Administrative Order to temporarily reduce the speed limit on River Road to 25 mph for the duration of construction of the Santa Clara Transit Station. Please drive with caution, follow the speed limit, and keep an eye out for bikers and pedestrians.
Traffic Impacts: Green Lane will be open to one-lane traffic from River Road to the east end of the Santa Clara Transit Station during construction hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Flaggers will be directing traffic around the road construction; drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists are encouraged to use caution when traveling on Green Lane. Outside of construction hours, Green Lane will be open for two-way traffic.
For More Information: Randi Staudinger, LTD Project Manager,
For Public Comment: or 541-682-3240
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