Urban Reserves adoption meeting, Tuesday, Feb 28 – 6:00 pm

From the City of Eugene,

A joint public hearing with the Lane County Board of Commissioners and Eugene City Council has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 28 at 6:00 pm. The public hearing will be held remotely using virtual meeting technology.

The urban reserves adoption materials and a web map of the proposed urban reserves can be found on the project web page at www.eugene-or.gov/UrbanReserves. [The map is pretty cool.]

The Lane County Board of Commissioners has already held a work session on Urban Reserves. You can watch the work session here. [The urban reserves portion of the meeting starts about the 12:00 minute mark]

The Eugene City Council held a work session on urban reserves on February 15th. You can watch it here. [The presentation starts about the 16:10 mark]

We Want to Hear from You!

Public hearings are an opportunity to share your voice and provide input. If you’d like to provide spoken testimony at the virtual joint elected official’s public hearing on Tuesday, February 28 at 6:00 pm, instructions on how to participate will be posted on the Public Webcasts and Meeting Materials web page ahead of the public hearing.

If you would like to provide written testimony on the urban reserves adoption package, please email us at UrbanReserves@eugene-or.gov. All comments received will be forwarded to decision-makers; written comments received before February 17 at 5 pm will be provided prior to the public hearing.

As always, please feel free to contact myself or Project Manager, Rebecca Gershow, with questions.

Warm regards, 
Zoli Gaudin-Dalton
Assistant Planner (she/her)
City of Eugene | Planning Division
Phone: 541.682.5461
Email: AGaudin-Dalton@eugene-or.gov

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Neighbors Doing Emergency Preparedness Together!

Preparing for emergencies and keeping your community safe is not a one-size-fits-all process. Just as neighbors are all unique in their own way, how YOU organize may be different from someone else’s depending on your needs and abilities.

Join us on Tuesday, February 7th from 6:30 – 7:30 pm to chat with neighbors who have successfully begun preparing for a variety of scenarios with their own immediate neighbors. We will get a chance to hear what is and isn’t working for them and how we can all continue to train and support each other. Bring your ideas and questions!

February 7, 2023
6:30 – 7:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 856 5731 4800
Passcode: prep
Dial by your location: +1-669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 856 5731 4800

— Jacque Wurster
Emergency Preparedness Team
River Road Community Organization
Ready NW Eugene YouTube Channel

Posted in Emergency Preparedness, General Interest, Public Safety | Leave a comment

SCCO supports Food for Lane County February Food Drive

Community organizations are partnering with Food for Lane County to help families this February. There are a number of churches, schools, and other businesses hosting drives in our area. OnPoint Community Credit Union inside Fred Meyer at Division Avenue is making it easy to drop off donations.

Their donation barrel is located at the entrance of the OnPoint branch making it simple to pick up a few items at Fred Meyer and make your donation on the way out. You can also scan the QR code below to donate funds. 

Please help support SCCO’s efforts helping Food for Lane County and community members this month.

Posted in General Interest | Leave a comment

SCCO Meeting and Board Elections Thursday, February 2 at 7PM

The Santa Clara Community Organization will be holding its annual election of board members at the February meeting. To be eligible to vote a person must be a resident, property owner, or business owner who lives within the Santa Clara geographic area, is 18 years of age or older, and has attended at least one meeting in the preceding twelve months. (See SCCO by-laws)

The full agenda will be available Tuesday, January 31st.

Meeting information.
Time: Thursday, February 2, 7 PM

In Person:
3280 River Road (Messiah Lutheran Church)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 3491 2994
Passcode: 960767

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,82434912994# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US

Monthly Meeting
Posted in Elections, SCCO Meetings | Leave a comment

Hileman Landing Park Work Party—Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

The Santa Clara Community Foundation recently added stewardship of Hileman Landing County Park to its list of ongoing projects. SCCF, along with Lane County Parks and a team from Americorps/NCCC, is organizing a work party on Wednesday, February 8th, from 9:00 AM to at least noon to work on park projects (including invasive plant control).

Please bring sturdy outdoor shoes, rain gear, and work gloves. Tools, snacks, and hydration will be provided. It’ll be a great way to gather community energy and to meet some industrious Americorps young adults from outside the area.

Hileman Landing can be found at the end of Hileman Lane. Hileman Lane branches off of East Beacon Drive—Directions. The park is a great place for dogs and short hikes to a side channel of the Willamette River this time of year—as water levels allow. There is a small parking area, and, if full, just park along the road, or better yet, bike or walk. Please do not park in front of the residence near the park gate entrance. Join us for work, fun, and community purpose. SCCF’s goals for the “Hileman Project” is to improve riparian (i.e., riverside) health, and re-establish robust habitat for aquatic, terrestrial, and avian wildlife while keeping it accessible to visitors.

Please Download this Lane County Waiver of Liability and hour-tracking form, fill it out, and bring it with you.

Here is the park now in winter:

Here we are during spring and summer:

Posted in Environment-Recycling, Events, General Interest, Parks - Dog Parks, Parks and Natural Resources, Santa Clara Community Foundation | Leave a comment