Eugene Neighborhoods’ Preparedness Network

Eugene Neighborhoods’ Preparedness Network
Thursday, April 18, 7:00 – 8:30 PM

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Featured Topic: Dodging Winter Disaster on Eugene’s Roads

With: Marion Suitor Barnes, City of Eugene Public Works Department

January’s ice storm was a big challenge for lifeline providers to maintain or restore services in the City of Eugene. Most did pretty well! The majority of power outages were brief; telephone, internet and cable interruptions were relatively minor, and city streets were open to many vehicles in a manner of days, not weeks.

This month we’ll take a look at how the City of Eugene prepares and responds to extreme weather conditions, focusing on how it keeps streets passable for emergency services as well as more ordinary household needs. Would a more severe storm have led to a different outcome, putting the more vulnerable members of our community into life-threatening situations? What tasks should neighborhood emergency preparedness groups expect to be called on to provide when winter weather closes down our transportation system?

This month’s meeting will also feature a short report from the annual conference of the Partners In Emergency Preparedness, a Washington state coalition of agencies and private-sector providers, that took place April 2-4 in Tacoma. Our reporter, Randy Prince, attended a FEMA course on making community organizations effective in reaching the public through their existing connections.

7:00 Short Introductions In Chat: Name, Neighborhood Association, Affiliation
7:10 Eugene’s Roads and the City’s response to the January 2024 Ice Storm – Marion Suitor Barnes, Eugene Public Works
7:30 Questions and Answers/Discussion
7:50 Report from Partners In Emergency Preparedness conference April 2024 – Randy Prince
8:00 Announcements
8:05 Report from neighborhood groups and discussion of future ENPN meeting topics.
8:20 Adjourn

This Third Thursday Meeting Is Brought to You By
Eugene Neighborhoods’ Preparedness Network (ENPN)
A committee of the Eugene Neighborhood Leaders Council (NLC)

ENPN Objectives: Meet, learn, and exchange views. Find out what volunteers in neighborhood preparedness teams are doing, what they need, and how we might motivate and assist others in preparing our community. Contact us at:

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